Collapsed Course Format

An interchangeable topic or week based format that solves the issue of the 'Scroll of Death' when a course has many topics.

Written By Ron Coller (Administrator)

Updated at August 22nd, 2024

A course format that collapses and expands on the topic you click on. The layout adapts to different screen sizes automatically. 

image of course with collapsed topics


How to set the Course format:

Step 1:  Login to Moodle and enter the course/section

  1. Click on the Gear icon at the top right of the Moodle page
  2. Then click on Edit settings
edit settings image

Step 2: Edit Settings page

  1. Expand Course format
  2. Using the drop down menu select Collapsed Topics
course format image

Once you select “Collapsed Topics” the page will refresh and give you quite a few different options

collapsed topic settings

Number of sections - how many weeks/topics do you want, you can also add topics with your editing turned on at the bottom of the last topic 

Hidden sections - decide if hidden topics are completely hidden or show in collapsed form

Display instructions -  states that the instructions should be displayed to the user or not

Elements -  how much information about the toggles / sections you wish to be displayed

Structure -  The layout structure of the course, you can choose between:

  • Topics - where each section is presented as a topic in the section number order. 
  • Weeks -  where each section is presented as a week in ascending week order form the start date of the course.
  • Current week first - which is the same as ‘Weeks’  but the current week is shown at the top and preceding weeks in descending order are displayed below except in editing mode where the structure is the same as ‘Weeks’.
  • Current topic first - whish is the same as 'Topics' except that the current topic is shown at the top if it has been set. 
  • Day - where each section is presented as a day in ascending day order form the start date of the course. 

Columns -  how many columns to use. Up-to 4 columns. 

Column orientation -  vertical sections go top to bottom, horizontal sections go left to right

Toggle all enabled -  allows users to expand all topics with one button click.

View single section enabled -  allows users to click on a topic, and only see that section and contents.

Toggle text alignment - options for Left, Center, or Right alignment of the topic text. 

Icon position - set the icon to the left or right

Icon set - change the icon 


arrow image

Grounding signal

grounding signal image


smiley button image


bulb image

Light emitting diode

light emitting diode image


square button image


cloud image


point image


moon button image


eye image


power button image


switch button image


folder image


radio button image


One section - stated if only one section should be open at any given time. NOTE: ignored when editing to allow activities and resources to be moved around the sections 

Toggle all icon hover - sets if the toggle all icons will change when the mouse moves over them

Toggle foreground - sets the color of the text on the toggle

Toggle foreground opacity - Sets the color of the text on the toggle when the mouse moves over it 

Toggle foreground hover - Sets the opacity of the text on the hover on the toggle between 0 and 1 in 0.1 increments

Toggle background - Sets the background color of the toggle

Toggle background opacity - Sets the opacity of the background on the toggle between 0 and 1 in 0.1 increments 

Toggle background hover - Sets the background color of the toggle when the mouse moves over it 

Toggle background hover opacity - States the opacity of the background on hover on the toggle between 0 and 1 in 0.1 increments

Show the section summary when collapsed - States if the section summary will always be shown regardless of the toggle state

Show additional information for: Assignments, quizzes, choices, feedbacks, forums, lessons and databases in the course - Allow all users to see the activity deadline and users with grading permission to see the number of submissions on the course page for activities


Collapsed Topic reset options 

Reset to Collapsed Topic Defaults 

NOTE: Reset and Reset all do the same thing!

reset collapsed topics image


Step 3: Save changes

  1. Lastly Save and Display at the bottom of the page. 
save and display button image